s LearnToTeach

EAT RIGHT - Child Nutrition & Food

Module Description

Are you constantly behind your child to feed them? Are they not able to eat without Mobile or TV? Do they take too long to eat? Do they eat too little? Take this 2 hour workshop for 8 Mindful Eating Habits to Help your Child Eat Healthy food Joyfully.

Who is this Course For?

This course is for you, if you are…

Parent of a Child from 1 to 6 Years Old Expecting a Child Soon
Work in Childcare & Nutrition  


Signs of Food Challenges

falls-sick-often-transformed-1Underweight or Low Body Weight tired-1-transformedGets Tired easily and Low Immunity
not-eating-fruits-transformedDoesn’t like to Eat Fruits and Vegetables tv frontEats only while watching TV, Mobile Screen or any Stimulation
not eating with hands (2)Doesn’t eat with their Own Hands only eats chocolatesOnly wants to eat chocolates, biscuits and cakes or Sweet Dishes
time-to-eatTakes too much time to eat not eatingDoesn’t Like to try New Dishes

What will you learn in the workshop?

final tick (1)Learn the Exact Requirements for your Child’s Nutrition and Calories Needed

final tick (1)Sure Shot way to Stop watching TV/Mobile while Eating

final tick (1)Strengthen their Health and Immunity Naturally

final tick (1)Teach your Child to eat on their own

final tick (1)Teach your Child to eat at Proper Pace.

final tick (1)Teach your Child to Enjoy Fruits, Vegetables, Proteins and all things Healthy

final tick (1)Overcome Junk food cravings naturally

final tick (1)Learn Nutrition's & Food by Age Group

final tick (1)Understand Digestion & Chewing

final tick (1)Eat without showing any tantrums

final tick (1)How to Build Healthy Eating Habits

final tick (1)Learn Fletcherism - A New way of Eating

final tick (1)Setting up Meal Time Routine

How will YOU Benefit from this Course?

1. eat on own

Eat on their own and without TV/Screen

develop immunity copy

Develop Super Immunity & Internal Strength

Enjoy Everything on His/Her Plate

Eat the Right amount of Food Required. No Overeating & No Undereating.

Have a Refreshing Routine

Reduced Cravings for Processed Food

Great Improvement in Overall Life

Develop Solid Healthy Eating habit from Childhood

Complete Roadmap and 2 weeks support via WhatsApp with regular follow up

EAT RIGHT - Child Nutrition & Food

Are you constantly behind your child to feed them? Are they not able to eat without Mobile or TV? Do they take too long to eat? Do they eat too little? Take this 2 hour workshop for 8 Mindful Eating Habits to Help your Child Eat Healthy food Joyfully.  


$ 20


4 days
