Unless otherwise expressly prescribed by Us in writing, full payment for participation in a Program is required at the time of enrollment for the Program and Services.
It is Your responsibility to check the accuracy of, and evaluate the suitability and relevance of, the Program elected before enrollment. No refund will be made once payment for a Program or Service has been made. The enrolment is non-transferable.
To avail any Services or enroll for any Programs offered by Us through the Website, You must have Internet access and a current valid accepted payment method as indicated during sign-up (“Payment Method“). We do not store any of Your credit card information or such other information restricted by RBI for processing payment, and have partnered with payment gateways for the payment towards the Services and Programs. You agree that in case a third-party payment provider stores any such information, We will not be responsible for such storage, and it will be solely by Your discretion to allow the third party to store such information. Any loss of such information or any loss incurred by You due to usage of such information will be solely a loss incurred by You, and We will in no way be liable for any such losses, and will neither be responsible to reimburse / make good such losses in any manner whatsoever.
Further, all transactions with Us shall be processed in INR. Non receipt of the Program Fee by Us may result in the termination of Your registration. Once the Program Fee is received by Us within the period prescribed by Us in this regard, We shall provide You with the payment invoice, within 24 hours there from, to Your registered email address. All applicable taxes are calculated based on the billing information You provide us at the time of purchase. Further, in case of cancellation, You may cancel at any time by going to Your account settings. However, You hereby acknowledge and agree that We will not offer refunds on any fees, including the Registration and Program Fees, and charges related to Your registration with the Website. This includes any partially used or unused duration for which You have already paid. We do not guarantee refunds for lack of usage or dissatisfaction. If You cancel Your registration or enrollment for the Programs at any time before the Program begins, You will still be charged and no refund will be processed for the fees already paid.